Warning: If you are a Christian, you likely do not want to read this. I have nothing against those that embrace Christianity. But, I certainly do not embrace Chriatianity and here is the reason why.
"If you were to die today and stand before God, and He asked you, 'Why should I let you into my heaven?', what would you say?"
That is the challenge that is meant to make one think about one's own relationship with God. It make some intereesting assumptions. The primary assumption is that you have to win favor with God or He won't let you into heaven. The implication is that if you do not make it into heaven, you will spend eternity in a place of torments, called hell.
My question is, "Why would God ask me such a question?, Did He not create me? Does he not know how I have spent my life? Why did God create me if he knew I would not measure up to his standards and He'd throw me into hell?
I do not challenge God. I challenge what men believe about God. The basis of the Christian religion is that all men are "sinners" and destined for hell, except that a divine man named Jesus was scrificed on our behalf so that we would escape the hell we so deserve for being so offensive to God. So, that brings me back to the question, "Why did God create me if he knew I would be offensive and he'd have to condemn me to hell?" And further more, why would he punish an innocent man for my offenses. Is that justice? What kind of justice is that? What conclusions should I draw about God from this information? I tell you, I think God is probably insulted because of this belief that he creates humans with imperfections and weaknesses so that he can condemn them to hell. And then, for some reason, He finds a rare innocent man and has him tortured and murdered as restitution for the faliures and follies of the rest of humanity for all time.
I say no to all of the Christian notions of God. God created me because He loves me unconditionally and his ultimate desire is to grow me into a creature that bears his own image. He will never give up on tha goal, and he will accomplish it without fail in as many lifetimes that it takes.
The problem is that man has made a god in their own flawed image and remain clueless about the Creator of all that is seen and unseen.