Friday, October 9, 2009

I see Progress

Its been a wild and crazy month. There is just too much going on to talk about. On the spiritual front, I have been working on affirmations teaching me to love myself. I continually remind myself that I am a creation of the Most High God. I am in unity with the Most High God. The Most High God Loves me. - unconditionally. I must do the same.

Guess what. I am starting to lose weight. I have lost nineteen pounds in the last forty-five days. I am not dieting. I can think of five things that have contributed to this:

  1. the positive affirmations.
  2. the focus on being more positive
  3. I'm starting to relax.
  4. The injured knees have helped me and my body realize how self-destructive my eating has been.
  5. while I am not dieting, I am choosing better things to eat, eating slowly. Snacking is simply not as frequent as it had been in the past.

Remember Jon Gabriel? Remember I had thought about trying his method, bought the book, listened to the CD, etc., and gained 10 pounds. I decided that the method works only for those that have learned to love themselves. I switched my focus to learning just that. I think I'm learning to love myself, and the outcome, in part, is the weight loss.

Be Peace.
Be Love.